Cremations Shipping Kit.


Once your order is placed we will send you a cremations shipping kit in the mail via USPS Priority Mail.

What the kit contains:

  • A copy of the invoice

  • Shipping Instructions

  • A vial with screw cap and a labeled baggie to place it inside

  • Instructions on quantity needed for artwork

  • A small funnel to easily transfer cremains into vial

  • A cremains label

  • Express mailer

  • An extra cremains form, where you can let us know if you'd like any leftover ashes to be returned or scattered in a local nature preserve

  • An address label

Please note we do not cover the cost of shipping the ashes

Paid shipping costs are for the cremains kit and the finished art work.

Can I Send My Cremations Kit to Funeral Home?


Can I Send My Cremations Kit to the Funeral Home?

Yes, if you would prefer to have the cremations sent directly from the funeral home we do that for you.  We do ask that you inform the funeral home ahead of time that we will be sending a cremations kit for them to fulfill.  

Upon ordering please email us at and inform us that you would like us to ship directly to the funeral home.

In your email please include the name and address of the funeral home and if it should be the attention of anyone in particular.  Please also include where you would like your finished artwork sent it.